How Beginners Can Start Working Out? 3 Fundamental Concepts to Know + 4 Common Fitness Myths

Tips to Enhance Workout Effectiveness

  1. Pre-Workout Nutrition: How to Supplement Proper Nutrients?

    • Carbohydrates:

      • Provide necessary energy for workouts.
      • Recommended intake: 4-7 grams per kg of body weight per day. E.g., a 50 kg person should consume at least 200 grams of carbohydrates daily.
      • Food examples: Granola bars, fruits, oatmeal, rice cakes.
    • Proteins:

      • Essential for muscle building and energy provision.
      • Recommended intake: 1.6-2.2 grams per kg of body weight for muscle growth. E.g., a 50 kg person should consume at least 80 grams of protein daily.
      • Food examples: Nuts, Greek yogurt, chicken breast.
  2. Regular Muscle Relaxation:

    • Pre-Workout - Warm-Up:

      • Stimulates blood circulation and prepares muscles for exercise.
    • Post-Workout - Cool Down:

      • Helps alleviate muscle soreness and aids in muscle recovery.
  3. Post-Workout Recovery Through Diet:

    • Hydration:

      • Replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during exercise.
    • Nutrient Intake:

      • Consume carbohydrates and proteins within 30 minutes post-workout to aid muscle repair and recovery.

Common Fitness Myths

  • Myth 1: Will I become too bulky if I lift weights?

    • Debunked: Women naturally have less muscle mass than men, and weight training won't make you excessively bulky.
  • Myth 2: Can fat turn into muscle by eating more before working out?

    • Clarified: Fat and muscle are composed of different elements and cannot transform into each other. Eating before workouts provides energy.

Setting Goals Before Starting Fitness

Decided whether to consult a trainer before starting? Regardless of consulting a trainer, the top priority for fitness beginners is to determine the suitable "fitness goals" based on their body condition, age, and physique. Only then can an effective training plan be set according to these goals! Follow the steps below to establish your goals step by step!

STEP 1. Age Considerations: Before and After 30

Before 30s:
In your 20s, your body is at its peak state, allowing for challenging goals and effective training. Starting fitness early and improving muscle strength yields better results. As you transition from your 20s to your 30s, the body moves away from its peak state, and recovery may slow down. To maintain a high level of health, adequate rest and nutrition are crucial.

After 30s:
Turning 30 marks the onset of aging, where muscle mass and bone density start to decline. It is essential to engage in weight training to increase muscle strength for overall health. Weight training stresses bones, promoting strength and reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. With age, the risk of exercise-related injuries increases, emphasizing the importance of professional guidance for safety.

STEP 2. Defining Fitness Objectives: Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Body Maintenance

Fat Loss:
Fitness creates a calorie deficit, aiding in calorie burning. By consuming fewer calories than you burn, the body utilizes stored calories to achieve fat loss. Increasing muscle mass through fitness boosts metabolism, aiding in fat reduction when combined with proper nutrition.

Muscle Gain:
Building muscle involves increasing muscle mass to sculpt a firmer physique, enhancing strength. As muscle increases and fat decreases, individuals may appear leaner due to muscle density. Progress plans can prioritize fat loss before muscle gain for effective slimming.

Body Maintenance:
Fitness targets specific areas for body sculpting and improved physique. Training can focus on different body regions to enhance muscle definition and overall appearance.

STEP 3. Setting Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

After assessing your current age stage and defining fitness objectives, the next step is setting personal fitness goals. Goals should include short-term (1 week to 6 months) and long-term objectives (6 months to 1 year) that support each other. Goals should be time-bound, measurable (e.g., body fat percentage), and allow for progress tracking. Here are some simple examples:

Short-Term Goals:

  • Perform 3 sets of 12 sit-ups four days a week within a week.
  • Replace one meal with a salad daily for a month.
  • Try out every weightlifting equipment at the gym within the first two weeks of starting.

Long-Term Goals:

  • Reduce body fat percentage to 20% within eight months.
  • Bench press 180 lbs on a straight bar within a year.

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